Bootstrap circle buttons

Published: 9.5.2019 | Last update: 3.6.2022

Bootstrap doesn't come with circle buttons by default.

In today's snippet tutorial, I'll show you how to create your own circular buttons with icons in Bootstrap 4 or 5.

We'll create:

  • 8+ color variants of circular buttons

  • 3 sizes for the circular buttons

  • we will use Font Awesome icons, but you can use also text content if you'd like.

Alright. Let's do it.

Bootstrap & Buttons

The button is an essential element of any web design. In this collection, we've gathered some of the best free button templates that you can use in your next project.

To make your design more interesting and unique, you can try to create a new button by combining different styles or colors. Choosing the right buttons will help attract users' attention, so be sure to choose wisely!

Icons vs text buttons: what should you choose?

There are two main ways to create a button: with icons and with text. Both solutions have their advantages and disadvantages, which I will discuss later in this article.

Circular buttons created with icons look great because they provide a visual cue about what action should be performed when you click on them. This is especially true if you use icons that are already familiar to users (like social media icons). Buttons created with text also work well since they can contain more information than just an icon. However, they usually require more space than icons do (which can be an advantage) and they may not be as intuitive as circular ones without any text inside them (this depends on how well-known the icon is).

If you liked this snippet, you might also enjoy exploring Bootstrap shopping cart or Bootstrap tabs .

Please note that the interactive editor on this page should be viewed on your laptop or desktop for the best results.

See my free Bootstrap themes Edit this snippet

How to use the snippet

There are two ways to use the snippet:

  • a] Copy it into your project. This means:
    1. Copy content of the HTML, CSS, JavaScript tabs into your project
    2. Make sure that you have jQuery 3 and Bootstrap 4's CSS and JS included in your project too.
    3. That should be it, and you should be good to go.
  • b] Use the "Edit in JSFiddle" link in the top right and play with it in the JSFiddle. After adjusting what you need, you can use the same steps as in a] to develop it locally.
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