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A Complete Guide to Web Server Security to Help You Save Your Website | Free Bootstrap Templates

Written by Admin | Aug 12, 2024 2:23:41 AM

In this blog post, we will demystify web server security and explain everything you need to protect your website. We'll begin by defining a web server and go from there.

Then we'll discuss the importance of web server security and some of the risks that web servers face. Then we'll go through the most effective practices for protecting your web server.

Understanding A Web Server

A web server is a computer that keeps and serves web pages to visitors on demand. The web server software (usually Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, or Microsoft IIS) runs on the machine and listens for requests from web browsers. The web server receives a request to show a page, and it immediately retrieves the required page from its storage and delivers it to the viewer.

What is Web Server Security?

An operating system's security and access controls safeguard the data on a web server. Firewalls and antivirus software are used to secure the services on a web server. Data protection is secured through disk encryption and intrusion detection systems.

When a person is online, he isn't just concerned about reaching his destination, but he wants to know that the path he takes is safe and secure. That's why server security is so essential. Information technology (IT) experts may use a variety of methods to safeguard a Web server from dangerous attacks.

Importance of Web Server Security

As web servers are responsible for storing and serving web pages, they contain a lot of sensitive information. When a web server is compromised, attackers may access and exploit this data in a variety of ways. For example, they could deface the website or steal customer data. In some circumstances, attackers may even use the webserver to launch attacks on other systems.

Web Servers Types

  • Apache Web Server

One of the most well-known web servers on the market is the Apache web server. It has a 37.4% market share (June 2020). It supports Linux, Unix, Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu, and other operating systems and may be quickly customized owing to its modular architecture.

  • Nginx Web Server

Nginx is a powerful, open-source Web server that also has a number of features. Nginx is highly regarded open-source software for its high performance, stability, low resource usage, and scalable event-driven architecture. Nginx may be used as a reverse proxy, mail proxy, HTTP cache, and load balancer on most major operating systems.

  • Lighttpd

Lighttpd's small CPU usage and speed improvement are two of its greatest features. Lighttpd is a fast, highly capable web server that uses an event-driven architecture similar to that of Nginx and can handle a large number of parallel connections while also supporting Output-compression, FastCGI, Auth, SCGI, and URL rewriting.

  • Virtual Web Servers

If you have a lot of web domains to control, it may be more practical to do it from one computer using virtual web servers rather than maintaining individual servers for each. Virtual servers or virtual web hosting are a great way to save money while maintaining site performance.

Security Risks Faced by a Web Server

There are many security risks faced by web servers. Some of these risks come from the server itself, while others come from the applications running on the server.

Server-Side Risks

  • Operating system vulnerabilities: All operating systems have vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. These vulnerabilities can be patched, but it's important to keep your server up-to-date to reduce the risk.

  • Outdated software: Even if you're using a web server program that's already been patched, it must still be updated to address potential flaws. If you're utilizing an out-of-date version of a web server, attackers may easily exploit known vulnerabilities.

  • Incorrectly configured servers: If a web server is not properly configured, it could be more vulnerable to attack. For example, if directory listing is enabled, attackers could easily see all the files on the server.

Application-Side Risks

  • SQL injection: This is an SQL injection vulnerability. This might allow attackers to view sensitive information or even delete data from the database.

  • Cross-site scripting (XSS): This is a form of malware that is injected into a website. This can let attackers steal cookies or session data, which could be used to log into the account.

Difference Between Network Security & Web Server Security

It's impossible to defend your web servers and the data they process from every conceivable threat without a comprehensive network security testing plan. While server security is limited to the precautions taken to safeguard your web servers and the data they handle, network security also comprises firewall technology and antivirus software to prevent damage in other areas of the network. 

Your company's employees, laptops, and other internet-connected gadgets are all components of your network that must be protected from risks. Phishing emails, fraudulent websites, and harmful applications are a few of the hazards that must be guarded against. This category covers the expenses for perimeter security, such as firewalls.

5 Best Practices for Web Server Security

  • Use strong passwords: One of the most important things you can do to secure your web server is to use strong passwords. A good password should contain a minimum of eight characters, with uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, and symbols.

  • Change default settings: Once you have installed your web server software, it's important to change the default settings. Attackers know the default settings for most web servers, so changing them makes it more difficult for them to gain access to your server.

  • Disable unnecessary features: When a function is not in use, it should be turned off. You reduce the number of attack surfaces available to your server by disabling any features that are no longer required.

  • Keep your software up-to-date: Keeping your web server software up to date is critical. Web server software upgrades are released regularly to fix security flaws.

  • Monitor your server: It's important to monitor your web server for signs of attack. By monitoring your server, you can quickly detect and respond to attacks.


Web server security is critical for any organization that relies on web servers to store or process information. Web servers confront a variety of dangers, but these risks may be reduced with suitable security precautions. By taking steps to secure your web server, you can help protect your data and keep your business running smoothly.